Statement of Purpose

I have heard too much, my love. 
I have listened to verses plucked 
shamelessly on strings which were once mine. 
The beginnings of melody were given to me, all that was unsung lusted my voice, chaos found culture in my mind. 
I imagined a Coruscating Cosmos. 
Every vision had a wing, each thought had a tune.

When the wind blew and the chimes jingled, a new book opened to give the lovelorn what he needed 
Promises, Hopes and Dreams. 
And he came to me, he came to me every starstruck night 
With questions on his pensive face 
like carvings in stone, craving decipherment. 
I countered each promise, each hope, each dream with the songs hidden in keys and strings
Until I became them.

I could believe now, that my words were reminiscences of your endearment 
My cosmos was resting on your body. 
Together, we tried to create melody. 
I had scars on my fingers from forcing it to take birth,
I had distortions in my throat from crooning to you, words of love. 
I wrapped my verses in all shades of colour to fill you with joy
And you romanced them frivolously 
Calling it your song. 
And I give it to you. 

Why do you come asking then, for my Statement of Purpose? 
I have said already
I have heard too much.


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