
They say perspectives can be many 
What if the world is a playground 
For Anamorphosis in another
Where it all makes sense 
What if our bodies 
Are waves 
Waves are 
Only a fragment 
Of a universe set straight 
Which doesn't appear as universe
Cosmos uncomplicated 
Abruptly, kindly 
What if you were to see
The shapes that scattered stars 
Slaved to arrange in constellations 
In a simple upturn of earth 
Postcards, trinkets and french plats
Worn gallantly 
By a mad man? 
You would perhaps 
Finally see your journeys converge
Concisely, wholly 
On a paradigm free of material 
Meaningless, until placed against 
The world 
Won't you come 
Set things a little awry 
To set the reflection pondering
About a fickle one's ambitions?
Oh won't you come 
So the feet in your image wonder
About a darers audacity.
Your impudence will dance 
But there, it will appear stationary. 
You can look at it any way you want 
They say perspectives can be many. 


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