
Eventually life teaches us that everything has a way to backfire. The fire in our backyards, the hope in our thirsty minds. Eventually, we realize that we spend substantial amount of our lives unlearning the things we learned, stories we grew up with, lessons we abided by. That forever is best said in the end, when ever has been reached for, and when the glamorously styled words 'The End' flash on the last screen in our series. That promises and commitments are best made occasionally, and taken care of promptly. That Love is not a sacred word, and we have and will love people despite acknowledging it's tremendous power and the things it makes us do. That thunderstorms are better than little trysts with happiness, and that they swivel into our lives only later. That we pretend too much, and do the things we advice others to cut loose from. That we advice too much, and know too less.
That we believe we know a great deal, with life stepping in each time to flip the entire game-plan in our minds. That there will never be one right person who will hold your hand and breathe your breath with his or her own, there will be many. That people will leave, just like you leave people. That hearts will always beat for the love and need of others. That we are best at being who we are, and indeed one in many, and that strength is the keyword to get us through. That people never leave, it is whom we choose to forget. That a smile pumps one's own heart more than the other witnessing it. That certain things from our dreams come true, and they keep coming true until we realize. That when we choose not to realize, we fool ourselves. That hope is eternal, and runs across all odds. That we are odd, odd designs and life is a canvas trying to occupy us all, colors on a single white. Where nobody is bad, and everything eventually makes perfect sense. That some place called 'perfect' exists, and only when we reach there we know.
Time passes us by, we take our dips in destiny and we get this gift only later- the gift of Realization. 


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