Take Off

It's brilliant how we set off on our journeys and we talk about the walk ahead with a dozen aspirations with our heads in the air trying to keep our feet on the ground.
It's also brilliant how we can almost see our future in intervals, still images that flood our minds with enriching aromas, crackling chuckles and silent smiles.
We weave dream threads , we sequence events with our imagination which culminate into heights we set for ourselves to achieve. They're so powerful, these dreams, that we cannot bear the thought of shatter or scatter.
Delicate, fragile and volatile. These go on to combine into helplessness.
Open your eyes and you're lying on the ground or somewhere floating in the sea, how did you fall from that sky?

I like this place, my people,my space.
But birds are awesome because they're so close to paradise.
You're on that floor with your dreams on your side. You both stare at each other in the eye while your opponents per se are having their tryst with the wingers.

How can I see my dream through another's eye? How can I see My dream make another so happy, watch another live the perks I thought were reserved for me?
There are too many glinting eyes, but mine are lifeless hollows.

It's human nature to want what isn't theirs, to desire greener pastures till they turn to gold. A thirst that grows stronger, deeper and unquenchable.

Right now, It's really easy for me to slam the space between my head and feet shut.

"I have a tendency to tell the poor chap to rent some wings and take off.
But then I'd be cracking a very bad joke."

All he needs is a guarantee that he'll be right. Unfortunately he's surrounded by people who explain him directions.

"Don't blame them- it's your fault. Why did you ask others to weave new threads for you?"

Funny how we always find people who tell us to pull up our socks and take upon life again when all we can think of is healing from the crash.

But it's brilliant how those chaps set off on their journeys and talk about their walk ahead with a dozen aspirations with their heads in the air maintaining their feet in the ground.
And it's even more brilliant how they still see their future in intervals so proudly, what rich eyes and whatte lauly smile.

What's more,they don't go approaching shops for new wings.

-For all those who got back up.



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